Digital displays re-imagined and built for you with purpose. Plug, play, and display - simple!

Our Approach

Your displays should have a very light digital infrastructure. This is plug, play and display solution for you.  We want to open up a world of dynamic content in a new and cost-effective way. 

Tenvito Media Players 

Our players allow your content management system to work with any display. You simply plug and play. No need even for WIFI. They work wirelessly using GSM. No additional unsightly aerials or power transformers. Sometimes it is difficult to achieve simplicity but we think it is worth the effort. 


Build your own network

Your digital display solution can be used in a variety of sectors, - retail, hospitality, education etc. Your easy-to-use cloud content management dashboard. You can use broadband infrastructure for connectivity but your solution can also work indenpendently of  it.

Tenvito digital display on subscription

We offer Tenvito Display as a subscription service. We provide digital displays and manage content multi-display networks.

If you would like to work with us on this or would simply like to know more. Please let us know.  

Learn More.


Introducing Tenvito Media: Check out this tool in action in our retail media networks. On-Trade Media  and Off-Trade Media 

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